
The Division of Pulmonology treats disorders of the lungs and breathing, more specifically diseases of the respiratory tract, pulmonary vessels, lung tissue and pleura as well as respiratory control disorders. In all instances, this involves diagnostics and therapy.

In 2005 the Division of Pulmonology was established at the Department of Internal Medicine when pulmonology in Austria was still a separate subspecialty. In the meantime, pulmonology has become a subspecialty of internal medicine and is fully integrated into the internal medicine educational curriculum. The division is responsible for providing clinical care and is actively involved in research and education at the Medical University of Graz. It regularly trains specialists in internal medicine, pulmonology and pulmonology intensive care.

The division closely collaborates on research with the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Lung Vascular Research, exploring cellular and molecular mechanisms of pulmonary vascular remodeling and also developing diagnostic and therapeutic options for pulmonary vascular diseases.

The division runs special clinics and an internal medicine ward focusing on pulmonology where the Respiratory Care Unit for patients with respiratory failure is located. The Sleep Lab takes care of inpatients with sleep-related breathing disorders.

Nikolaus Kneidinger

"Lung diseases are on the rise. As a university pulmonology division, we want to meet this challenge and, in addition to providing the best possible care, also ensure the acquisition and implementation of new findings."

Nikolaus Kneidinger, Head of Division


Auenbruggerplatz 15, 8036 Graz 
T: +43 316 385 12183
F: +43 316 385 13578