
Our research focuses on the metabolism in lung cancer cells from the perspective of basic research and translational research. In highly collaborative and integrative projects, we investigate the complex metabolic aberrations in lung cancer cells.


    Univ.-Ass.in Priv.-Doz.in Dr.in
    Katharina Leithner,  PhD
    T: +43 316 385 80631


    Our focus

    • Cancer cell metabolic rewiring
    • Cancer cell survival and proliferation under nutritional stress
    • Cancer cell energetics
    • Gluconeogenesis in human cancers
    • Interaction of tumor and non-neoplastic cells under nutritional stress

    Our aims

    Our aim is to identify metabolic vulnerabilities of cancer cells. We are focused on the activation of metabolic pathways that mediate the adaptation to low nutrient conditions, especially gluconeogenesis. Using genetic silencing approaches in 2D and 3D cell culture models and mouse models of cancer, stable isotopic tracing, as well as analyses of human cancer tissues and explants, we work in a collaborative manner to dissect cancer cell metabolic dependencies.


    Gluconeogenesis and antioxidant defense in lung cancer cells

    • Duration: 2020-2023
    • Funded by: FWF

    Doc Stipendium

    • Austrian Academy of Sciences (OeAW) "Doc Stipendium" Gabriele Grasmann
    • Duration: 2019-2021

    Gluconeogenesis in tumor-promoting macrophages

    • Within the DOC 129 doc.fund programme Austrian Science Fund (DOC 129 doc.fund)
    • Duration: 2021-2024





    Research Team